2011- Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Poland and Ukraina

2011 – Km. 6.060

Slovenia: In the evening I resti in a Service Area with reserved place for campingcar with water, energy on request and place to flusch the WC cassette. Really very good organisation and friendly for Campingcar people
also in the middle of the Country.

: Good touristic organisation. Past the border In the first Service Area they offer you all camper service
and also a Camping.

: Indication and notice about the way become not so clear and poor. In the tourist office at the border are not so friendly and don’t speak english !!

My entry in Ukraina at the Chop border is to forget !!!! Controls by Police and Customs Office are very long, you have to rerpeat, a lot of bureaucracy, and so on…. First you receive a paper (after first control of passport) whith your number of car and number of people on board, to hold until the end when you go out.
They ask for that and count the number of person. They are afraid that somebody lost during this period.
They never saw a campingcar before.
All officers look like “angry” A notice with a nice girl say i (n english): .every officer answer you friendly.
But the problem is that nobody spaks english. No one !!!! After six hours (6) I can go inside Ukraina. The same when you leave this Country.
A lot of shops, little and bigger, open 24 h . Others with a long opening from 9h to 22h . Prices for us European are very low (salary medium euro 150/200 per mounth) Others things are expensive like in EU, so are only for few people.
A lot of open market or only a table outside in the street offer you a lot of goods. (vegetables, fruit, fish..)
The first thing that you learn is not to see around, but only to the street. There is no maintenance so they have hole so big to destroy your car and yours teeth.




: they did’nt understand that are in EU, and control campingcar and passport 4 times. Often they don’t accept Visa or Euro.
Otherwise the Copuntry is friendly, and modern or up-to-dated.

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Baffo Grigio

Über Baffo Grigio

...la mia casa é ovunque...

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