2012 – France, United Kingdom and Scotland.

2012 – Km. 17.280

United Kingdom: I was many times here in my youth, but never I was so closed. This Country is in my heart.
I want to tell you now: with the campingcar it is not so nice, sometime really stressing.
There are no way wherever to go inside hills or forest, because all are private and closed. In some public forestal park you can go inside, but usually you find notice “no overnight parking”.
This is here a real obsession for overnight parking. Also for cars. I ask english people why? Nobody know the answer.
So it is a big job every day to find a place to stay for the night. Sometimes you have to use Camping, they are not so cheap. The cheapest are at some Farm, very simple and natural (£ 6 – 12). Sometimes you can find some
that belong to people of campingcar.
Also for parking: everywhere you have to pay: Service Area in free motorway not more that 2 h.
I payd £ 19 to stay a night.!!!!
Everywhere you want to see a Panorama: pay
Some Supermarket: not more than 2 h After: pay (I sow one man that registred the number of car). Like to tell you: Buy and go. Nice !!
They are very respectful of rules of driving. And friendly. Priority and cross by feet the street are usually respected.




The great forest of Scotland don’t exist, if you think at ours. So also the mountains are only like hills (not more than 1200 mt.) if you think at our Alpes. But the cost is reach of inlet (loch) really fantastic.
Every little village has public toilet and golf campsite, simetimes bigger than village.
Scottish people are more open and friendly.
Everywhere they recycle all. (in London they collect at home the foil and leaf of your garden).
Very nice the electric car that give at home milk every morning. And also very nice the phones in red cabin.
Does not exist graffiti at wall on the street.
Very good a lot of Farms. You park and collect in the field fresh product to buy.
At sunday, sometimes, you can sell outside your home goods that you don’t use.
The beaches are strictly protected by building, absolutely natural. But they put a lot of eolic generator in the coast and sea.

To close: english people have not so much of EU: they have the border, the money is Pound, they use decimal and metric sistem, but on the street all notice are in Miles and Yards.
Tourist in Scotland have a great problem: Midgets, so very small flying insect that go inside through mosquito-net and bite and sting you much more than mosquitos.

Loch Eriboll

Loch Eriboll


France: Very nice trip. Atlantic coast is fantastic, also Brittany and Normandy very friendly, and Loire area with a lot of fantastic and reach castles.
A Country very well administrated. All coast are protected by building. Absolutely natural with beaches of sand for ten and ten km.
Campingcars are everywhere and every few Km you can find areas to stay, free or very cheap.
Not of course in Cote d‘ Azur. Everywhere “no parking for campingcar” or “no overnight parking”.
Only one problem here: you can‘ t buy a Internet key or “Dongle” if you don‘ t have a Bank account in French- bank. !!!!



Grand Canyon Verdon

Grand Canyon Verdon





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...la mia casa é ovunque...

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