Greece – Centralgreece – Fthiotida – Lamia – Loutra Thermopilon – Wild open H2S waterfall and natural thermal pool

Country and Area:

Greece – Centralgreece


#Loutra Thermopilon – #Greece #Griechenland #Grecia
EO1 – Loutra Thermopilon – Wild open H2S waterfall and source – Lamia 350 09



Area (Beach or Forest):

Parking at the wild open H2S waterfall or at the natural thermal pool
Hot springs!

Google Maps,22.529494 ← near the Wild open H2S waterfall,22.525713 ← at the natural thermal pool (41°)

Date of last Visit:

08.05.2019 – 11.05.2019 → 3 Nights

Quality of Area:

Parking directly at the wild opben H2S waterfalls with hot water! (38.793992,22.529494)
This parking big and can stay a lot of Campers here – it is with grass or sand – near the waterfall!

But you can stay also here. (38.792587,22.525713)
This Parking is more little and on Sand/Grit – directly at the natural thermal pool with hot water (41°)!

Service / Where?




Free-Camping, Wild-Camping

Fresh Water:


Used Water:








Swimming Pool:




Police Guardian


In #Lamia you will find Lidl, SKLAVENITIS, Masoutis and other Shops


How much we paid?


How much we paid?

More Information:


Vodafone is running here with 4G and 2/3 Bars

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Created at Wednesday 8 May 2019 – 16:02
Last modified at Friday 10 May 2019 – 22:56

Parking in Loutra Thermopilon - Wild open H2S waterfall and source - Lamia - May 2019

Parking in Loutra Thermopilon – Wild open H2S waterfall and source – Lamia – May 2019

Parking in Loutra Thermopilon - Wild open H2S waterfall and source - Lamia - May 2019

Parking in Loutra Thermopilon – Wild open H2S waterfall and source – Lamia – May 2019

Parking in Loutra Thermopilon - Wild open H2S waterfall and source - Lamia - May 2019

Parking in Loutra Thermopilon – Wild open H2S waterfall and source – Lamia – May 2019

Wild open H2S waterfall and source - Loutra Thermopilon – Greece

Wild open H2S waterfall and source – Loutra Thermopilon – Greece

Natural Thermal Pool and wild open H2S waterfall and natural thermal pool - Loutra Thermopilon – Greece

Natural Thermal Pool and wild open H2S waterfall and natural thermal pool – Loutra Thermopilon – Greece

Natural Thermal Pool and wild open H2S waterfall and natural thermal pool - Loutra Thermopilon – Greece

Natural Thermal Pool and wild open H2S waterfall and natural thermal pool – Loutra Thermopilon – Greece

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Über admin

→ Vagabund! = überall zu Hause 😊 = Wir leben dauerhaft im Wohnmobil! Geboren am 06.08. als Löwin ❗ in Dijon / France und mit 4 jungen Jahren mit meinen Eltern bereits nach Deutschland umgesiedelt. Auch in Deutschland war ich nie wirklich sesshaft... Hilzingen, Eigeltingen, Oberteuringen, Sigmaringen, Sigmaringen (1. eigene Wohnung), Zozznegg, Öhningen, Hilzingen, Ober-Abtsteinach, Schwalbach (bei Wetzlar), Berlin, Cuxhaven, Berlin. ...nur um die ganzen Orte zu nennen, in denen ich gewohnt habe - mal mehr, mal weniger lang. Am längsten habe ich es in Berlin ausgehalten - mit immerhin mehr als 9 Jahren (wenn man von Sigmaringen absieht, wo ich 9 Jahre jung ankam) und somit dort eigentlich die längste Zeit meines Lebens verbracht habe. Das Reisen und immer wieder Neues zu Entdecken liegt mir also offenbar im Blut - ich bin und bleibe ein Vagabund ❤

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